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Tuesday, May 30, 2023

Fiesta Outfit


You are special, celebrate more, make more memories, wear happiness inside and out, all flavors, sizes, and shapes are loved, let yourself rise, balance your time, smell good, light up the room, don't settle for crumbs, you can never wear too many sprinkles. Life lessons from a slice of cake.
#ootd #retrojumpsuit #outfitideas #funfashion #colorfuloutfit 

Mint Pink Outfit

You are needed in ways you don't always see, it takes sunshine and the rain to grow, you can withstand more then you think, you can grow even through the hard times, we all bloom at different rates and have purpose, beauty comes in every shape, size, color, and you are worth waiting for. Life Lessons from a Flower. 
#ootd #outfitideas #fashionblog 

Rainbow Barbie Outfit


Being colorful is for everyone, everyone can try it, and if they would, everyone would probably like it. I want to represent living life in color. - Lindsay The Glamorous
#ootd #barbie #outfitideas #kohls #colorfuloutfits

Moon Sun and Stars Outfit


The sun symbolizes firmness, strength and power while the moon represents calmness, beauty, nurturing. Now is the time for rebirth, dreams, and creativity. 🌞🌛 #ootd #fashionblog #outfitideas

70s Barbie Outfit


“Live Your Dream” - Barbie #ootd #fashionblog #outfitideas #colorfuloutfits

Dollar Tree Sunglasses Haul


#dollartreefinds #dollartreehaul #affordablefashion #fashionblog #affordablefashionblog #sunglasses 

Sunday, May 28, 2023

Butterfly Dress Outfit


Let go of the past, trust the future, embrace change, come out of the cocoon, unfurl your wings, dare to get off the ground, ride the breezes, put on your brightest colors, let your beauty show. Life lessons from a butterfly. 🦋 #ootd #fashion #outfitideas #butterflydress #butterflyshoes 

Wednesday, May 24, 2023

Marble + Orange Dress Outfit

 This is your friendly reminder to dress the way you want. There are no rules for age or shape. You're allowed to walk out the door feeling good about yourself and that's all that counts. That's what being glamorous is all about, taking time to make sure you feel your best. 

#ootd #marbledressoutfit #orangeoutfit #instastyle #streetstyle 

Cookie Monster Makeup Look | Sesame Street x WetNWild | 2023

#cookiemonstermakeup #sesamestreetmakeup #makeupcollection #wetnwildbeauty #makeup2023 #makeupideas